Lakeview Drive Relocation

Starkville, MS

The relocation of Lakeview Drive from the intersection of Bailey Howell Drive to the frontage of the John H. Bryan Building includes approximately 1,290 feet of Lakeview Drive being relocated to the East, passing through the existing Sanderson Center/Athletics parking lot. The project also included intersection improvements at the intersection of Bailey Howell Drive.  The new route provides multiple traffic calming measures and accommodates additions and renovations to the Humphrey Coliseum, future improvements to the Mississippi State University athletic corridor, and provides a traffic route that is consistent with the campus master plan.  Working as the prime professional on the project, Smithers Engineers coordinated directly with Mississippi State University Office of Planning Design and Construction Administration throughout design and construction.


Services Provided

Construction Document Preparation

Site Layout

Storm Drainage Design

Erosion Control Plan

Stormwater Prevention Pollution Plan (SWPPP)

Utility Relocation

Roadway Design

Parking Lot Design