Smithers Engineers provides civil engineering services for many types of athletic facilities, including artificial turf playing fields, coliseums, stadiums, practice facilities, and other athletic complexes. Our projects have included work on facilities for most sports, including football, baseball, softball, track and field, basketball, and soccer.
In site planning and design for athletic facilities, we lay out the site—including locating playing fields, parking lots, seating areas, structures, sidewalks, plazas, and utilities—with the goal of providing a great sports experience for both fans and athletes. In conjunction with site layout, we design for the interrelated grading and drainage, paving design, and handicap accessible routes.
An element of many of our athletic facilities projects is converting an existing playing field from natural grass to artificial turf. This can be more involved than one might think at first glance. We ensure that the subgrade preparation and drainage systems for the new athletic field is properly designed so the new field can be enjoyed for years to come.